Has it really been that Long?
Mid-December is a long time to go without a post. Unfortunately I have been wallowing in that mudhole of the mix of anger and self-pity. I didn't want to post something that sounded like I was mad at the world (well I was and still am to a degree). When I was preaching I couldn't use that as an excuse. When Sunday rolled around I had to be there. When the first Sunday of the month rolled around (when we celebrated the Eucharist)I had to exorcise whatever resentment and anger there was and seek forgiveness for it lest Inotonly receive but give the Sacrament unworthily.
I am going to be more faithful to posting here. Besides, I don't want to be dropped from Methodist Bloggers.
I am going to be more faithful to posting here. Besides, I don't want to be dropped from Methodist Bloggers.